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Life Activation

This 3000+ year old healing modality gently realigns you back home to the truth of who you are and how you express that in the world. If you’ve ever felt lost, confused, that your life has no meaning, that you have no purpose, that you aren’t adequately using your gifts despite being successful, this is the spark you seek.

With the help of a shamanic wand and a set of crystals, as your practitioner, I gently infuse light into your body, soul, and spirit to restore greater peace and harmony to you. The session concludes with a ten minute reading to help guide you at this time in your life.

Time: 1 hour

Investment: $250

Life Activation Part II

Note: Life Activation is a prerequisite

Enhancing the chakras as well as your tree of life, Spirit activation allows you to really say yes to the things in your life that are actually good for you. If you struggle with clarity, direction, and/or opening to a higher purpose for yourself, Spirit Activation is the tool to unlocking this energy within you.

Using a crystal wand and a sacred chant, you’ll feel the letting go of mental clutter and the awakening of greater understanding once the session is complete.

Potential Benefits

  • Enhance self worth
  • Awaken your soul to have more joy in your life
  • Enhance your awareness

Time: 1 hour

Investment: $250

Hermetic Soul Retrieval

A relaxing and comforting process, the Hermetic Soul Retrieval works in such a way that the lost and scattered aspects of the soul will be brought back together. The soul can become fragmented through trauma, childhood experiences, shock, and emotional distress.

As you lie peacefully on a massage table, there is a feeling of wholeness that envelopes you throughout the session and once it is complete. It helps you regain a sense of ease, flow, purity, and simplicity. You become more present in your body, mind and emotions. You react less to triggers in your environment, and can become more conscious of your responses to life and relationships. It is even said you can see the world with new eyes after you have received this healing.

Time: 1 hour

Investment: $250

Aura Healing

Our auras get damaged from the natural occurrences of everyday life. Stress, intense emotions, negativity physical/emotional trauma, or drugs (including prescription/alcohol use). All of these things negatively impact and damage the aura.

When you receive an aura healing, light is sent to repair the aura helping you to feel refreshed and renewed. Through the aura healing, negative patterns are found, removed, and the aura is sealed with positive energy. The aura serves as our “energetic skin”, and it keeps harmful energy out and positive energy in. When our aura is damaged, our positive energy ‘leaks,’ leaving us feeling drained. If you feel continually tired or unmotivated, and have been having difficulty finding out why, then there may be damages to your aura that need healing.

Time: 40 mins

Investment: $100

Shamanic Aura Healing

Because your aura is a powerful part of your energy structure, it can either be strengthened or weakened over time due to a variety of factors.

When you receive the shamanic aura clearing, it assists in strengthening your aura from outside negativity. If you often find yourself in negative situations wondering how you got there, this would be a wonderful healing for you to receive. This a gentle yet effective clearing of the aura, using the earthly energies and the Sutra of the Heart. It not only clears the aura of unwanted negative energies but also seals and heals your etheric field to increase protection. This session is great for clearing away persistent mental negativity, and energetic heaviness that comes from the environments and spheres you spend time in.

Potential Benefits include:

  • Clear the pollution of judgements
  • Clear mental toxicity
  • Help to release limiting beliefs you are holding onto
  • Enables you to hold more light in your being

Time: 40 mins

Investment: $150

Crystal Healing

Have you reached a point on your path where you truly need some guidance? Do you struggle with a lot of unanswered questions?

Unlike most psychic readings that leave clients expecting certain outcomes, the crystal reading is one in which you ask questions and all answers given are for your empowerment. Using only open ended questions, the reading often feels like a conversation that guides you as to where you need to shift in your life or what different perspective you need in order to grow.

The crystal reading will certainly bring clarity and guidance.

Time: 30 mins

Investment: $100

Purpose of Life Reading

Life Activation is a prerequisite

Life Purpose Reading reveals so much about what you need to hear in this moment to help you to move forward in your life.

A powerful, simple, and clean reading of your own spiritual "DNA" blueprints that will empower you by giving you deeper insight into:

  • Life Purpose
  • Gifts
  • Ancestral Energies
  • Spiritual origin and essence
  • Contracts (family, children, service, etc.)
  • Personal development and mastery
  • Your mind and how it works
  • Obstacles & perspective on overcoming them

This profound, gentle and compassionate reading helps you to make clearer decisions and choices about what you really need and how to attain your mission and purpose in this life

Time: 40 mins

Investment: $150

Enosofic Reiki

Can be done from the comfort of your own home or in person. Addressing the levels of body, soul, and spirit, Ensofic Reiki stands apart from other reiki sessions in that it is very pure and of the highest light.

EnSofic™ Reiki is a powerful hands-on energy healing modality that restores the vibration of pure joy in the physical body. Destroying stress, anger, worry, and pain, experience this holistic healing to restore balance and address all manifestations of dis-ease and illness. Whether your symptoms are physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual in nature, acute or chronic.

  • Stress Release and Increased Emotional Resilience
  • Accelerated Healing Response
  • Balancing and Soothing of the Nervous System
  • Decreased Pain, Suffering, and Inflammation
  • Enhanced Physical Vitality and Joy
  • Relief of both Acute and Chronic Symptoms
  • Empowerment to Live Life Alive Now

Time: 1 hour

Investment: $250

Spark of Life

Would you like to receive a healing in the comfort of your own home?

The Spark of Life healing is unique in that it offers you a powerful restorative healing from a distance. Once used in ancient times to connect anyone to sacred temple energy despite their location, this healing offers the same to you. If you’re feeling depleted physically, emotionally, mentally, or spiritually, the spark of life healing is essential to your well being. This healing will bring you back to your original state.

During Spark of Life healing, your entire core is infused with the highest light and life force. Spark of Life helps you gather, center, and establish a new baseline for all your energies and activities, with more peace and grounding.

Note that this healing cannot be done if you are expecting

Time: 1 hour

Investment: $250

Egyptian Aura Healing

The Egyptian Aura Healing clears out the blocks that you have, to physically manifesting what you want. The seven layers of the aura are the vehicle for connecting the core of who you are to the physical. The healing cleans, balances, and rewires all seven layers of the aura so that the full brilliance of who you are can come into creation.

This healing works to heal and clear anything that is interfering with your ability to create and manifest. If you are having trouble manifesting or have a specific desire you want to see fulfilled, this can rapidly assist you in supporting that change!

Time: 1 hour

Investment: $250

Fire Soul Infusion

This activation is for turning on, refining, and harnessing the energies of the physical dimension, and awakening Kundalini safely (Kundalini is your primal life force energy) to flow properly and have optimal interface with the higher dimensions of life (the world of Spirit, Heaven, etc.).

Awakening the Fire Soul lays the essential foundation for a true, balanced, and healthy Spiritual Awakening. Fire Soul Activation generally focuses in one or more of the following areas of life:

  • Enhance motivation and drive
  • Dramatically accelerate productivity
  • Accomplish goals more easily
  • Stimulate healing around sexuality, intimacy, and relationships
  • Facilitate healing of financial flows (money in and out)
  • Spark more creativity in your life

Time: 1 hour

Investment: $250

Chakra and Tree of Life Awakening

Open up your chakras to allow energy to flow more easily. Leave feeling refreshed and energized

Time: 40 mins

Investment: $150

Negative Habit Removal

Do you have a bad habit that you want help letting go of? This healing incorporates reiki energy to help you release bad habits and make room for something that serves you.

Time: 30 mins

Investment: $100

Negative Energy Removal

This is a two part session that begins with removing any negative energy that is around you and it is followed by a cord cutting. The cord cutting helps to remove the toxic energy between you and another person, place or event from your past.

The session ends with a clearing of your energy field and bringing positive energy into a wish or desire that you have.

Time: 40 mins

Investment: $150

Meridian and Laser Light Healing

Is healing will enable better energy flow to your meridians, which are pathways in your body that carry your life force. Especially helpful for addressing physical discomfort within the body.

Note: Laser Light cannot be done if you are expecting.

Time: 1 hour

Investment: $200

Animal Life Activation

A simpler process than the life activation for humans, an animal life activation is the best gift to give your pet!

Not only will it help them with their personal struggles but it also leads to lots of positive changes! Animals that have been life activated:

  • Learn more easily
  • Behave more readily
  • Truly act like themselves

Time: 1 hour

Investment: $150

Animal Reiki

Is your pet ill, anxious, fearful, or struggling with some sort of issue?

Do you wish there was some way to help out your furry friend?

Healing, relaxing, and calming, most pets respond very well to reiki treatments with noticeable shifts in their temperament within a short period of time. Depending on the nature of your pet, one or several sessions may be needed. Animal reiki is facilitated using warmth coming from the practitioners hands.

Time: 1 hour

Investment: $150

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